Extended DISC – Extending People

Each of the DISC Styles is defined by observable patterns of behaviour. If you learn how to recognise patterns, you have the key to understanding the preferences of each style and can achieve more positive and productive interactions. 

Sharon-Hudson-sml-Most people think I am quiet, logical and somewhat reserved. I know I tend to appear “distant” to others, particularly at work, where I like to concentrate on what I am doing, and on doing it properly (read correctly and, accurately). I have remind myself to interact regularly with my co-workers as individuals, and make sure that it is not only when I have a specific work-related need that I converse with them. I establish and maintain professional relationships, however, I am cautious about extending personal friendship, for two main reasons. One, I am more comfortable discussing work issues than private issues; and two, I leave little time for non-work activities,  and when I do take some time out, it is usually for family obligations.

By nature, I am a thinker, not a relater.

Although I appear uncommunicative, distant and cool, I really am cooperative; well I am as long as I have autonomy and can prioritise and apply my efforts freely I am. Like most “C” styles, I am very conscientious, and my work is extremely important to me personally. Job satisfaction is an imperative for my  “C” nature. 

Style Descriptors on the Extended DISC DiamondThe Analytical Style person has a strong time discipline coupled with a slow and thoughtful pace to action.  We move with deliberateness and prefer to take time to review all the facts (even personally verifying the “facts”) and available data.  Rushing and last-minute activities tend to stress us, resulting in errors and poor performance – which stresses us even more.

Decision making is where the  “C” style behaviours really become obvious Our natural approach is to make decisions based on facts and verifiable information, and to gather evidence that reassures us that the decision made today will still be a good one tomorrow.

Our colour is blue – Blue is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity. 


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